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Payday Loans in Wisconsin: Understanding the Pros and Cons

If you’re a Wisconsin resident in need of quick cash to cover an unexpected expense, you may have considered a payday loan.

However, before you jump into a payday loan, it’s important to understand how it works, its pros and cons, and the regulations surrounding it.

What Are Payday Loans?

Payday loans are short-term loans that typically range from $100 to $1,500. They’re designed to help borrowers cover unexpected expenses or bridge the gap between paychecks.

Payday loans are meant to be repaid in full when the borrower receives their next paycheck.

How Do Payday Loans Work in Wisconsin?

In Wisconsin, payday loans are legal and regulated by the state. The maximum loan amount in Wisconsin is $1,500 or 35% of the borrower’s gross monthly income, whichever is less. The maximum loan term is 90 days, and borrowers are allowed to have only one outstanding loan at a time.

To obtain a payday loan in Wisconsin, borrowers must provide proof of income and identification. The lender will then give the borrower the loan amount, and the borrower must provide a post-dated check or authorize an electronic debit for the full loan amount plus fees.

The Pros of Payday Loans

  1. Easy to obtain: Payday loans are relatively easy to obtain, even for borrowers with bad credit.
  2. Quick cash: Payday loans provide quick cash to cover unexpected expenses.
  3. No collateral required: Payday loans are unsecured, so borrowers don’t need to provide collateral.
  4. Convenient repayment options: Borrowers can repay payday loans via post-dated check, electronic debit, or in-person payment.

The Cons of Payday Loans

  1. High fees: Payday loans come with high fees that can make them expensive in the long run.
  2. Short repayment terms: Payday loans typically have short repayment terms, which can make it difficult for borrowers to repay the loan in full.
  3. Can lead to a cycle of debt: If borrowers can’t repay their payday loan on time, they may be tempted to renew or roll over the loan, leading to a cycle of debt.
  4. Can damage credit: If borrowers default on their payday loan, it can damage their credit score and make it harder to obtain credit in the future.

The Alternatives to Payday Loans

If you’re in need of quick cash but don’t want to take out a payday loan, there are alternatives available. These include:

  1. Personal loans
  2. Credit card cash advances
  3. Borrowing from friends or family
  4. Negotiating a payment plan with creditors
  5. Seeking assistance from a nonprofit credit counseling agency

The Regulations Surrounding Payday Loans in Wisconsin

In Wisconsin, payday lenders must be licensed and regulated by the state. Lenders must also comply with several regulations, including:

  1. Maximum loan amount: The maximum loan amount in Wisconsin is $1,500 or 35% of the borrower’s gross monthly income, whichever is less.
  2. Maximum loan term: The maximum loan term is 90 days.
  3. Maximum finance charge: The maximum finance charge on a payday loan in Wisconsin is $15.50 for every $100 borrowed.
  4. Rollovers and renewals: Lenders are not allowed to rollover or renew payday loans in Wisconsin. Borrowers must pay off their loan in full before taking out another one.
  5. Cooling-off period: Lenders must give borrowers a 24-hour cooling-off period after they’ve paid off a payday loan. During this time, borrowers cannot take out another payday loan.
  6. Repayment plans: Lenders must offer borrowers an extended payment plan if they’re unable to repay their loan on time.

Tips for Using Payday Loans Responsibly

If you decide to take out a payday loan, it’s important to use it responsibly. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Only borrow what you can afford to repay.
  2. Read the loan agreement carefully before signing.
  3. Make sure you understand the fees and repayment terms.
  4. Don’t renew or roll over your loan.
  5. Use payday loans only for emergencies, not for everyday expenses.
  6. Consider alternatives before taking out a payday loan.

How to Choose a Payday Lender Wisely

When choosing a payday lender in Wisconsin, it’s important to do your research. Here are some tips to help you choose a lender wisely:

  1. Look for lenders that are licensed and regulated by the state.
  2. Check the lender’s reputation online.
  3. Compare fees and interest rates from multiple lenders.
  4. Read customer reviews and complaints.
  5. Make sure the lender provides clear and transparent terms and conditions.

Payday Loan FAQs

What is the maximum amount I can borrow with a payday loan in Wisconsin?

The maximum loan amount in Wisconsin is $1,500 or 35% of the borrower’s gross monthly income, whichever is less.

How much does a payday loan in Wisconsin cost?

The maximum finance charge on a payday loan in Wisconsin is $15.50 for every $100 borrowed.

How quickly can I get a payday loan in Wisconsin?

Payday lenders in Wisconsin typically provide loans on the same day or within one business day.

Can I renew or extend my payday loan in Wisconsin?

No, payday lenders in Wisconsin are not allowed to rollover or renew payday loans. Borrowers must pay off their loan in full before taking out another one.

What happens if I can’t repay my payday loan in Wisconsin?

If you can’t repay your payday loan in Wisconsin, the lender must offer you an extended payment plan.


While payday loans can provide quick cash, they come with high fees and short repayment terms that can lead to a cycle of debt. Before taking out a payday loan in Wisconsin, it’s important to consider the alternatives and use the loan responsibly.

By doing your research, choosing a reputable lender, and understanding the regulations, you can make an informed decision and avoid falling into a debt trap.